[Activities Notice]Dingyou Year the Celebration of Amitabha Buddha's Birthday with the Sweet Dew of The Great Compassion Mantra Dharma Assembly
2018-05-17 13-21-11 来源: 作者: 点击:次
Public Notice for the Celebration of Amitabha Buddha's Birthday
Activities Arrangement: 正觉寺常住白
Amitabha Buddha!
Dear all kind believers,
In order to celebrate Amitabha Buddha's Birthday, Shandong Boshan Zhengjue Monastery will hold a Sweet Dew of The Great Compassion Mantra Dharma Assembly from December 27th, 2017 to 3rd, January, 2018 (10th, Nov. to 17th Nov. according to the Lunar Calendar). Meanwhile, there will be other traditional Buddhist ceremonies like the Rite of worshiping heavenly Gods, the Tremendous Mengshan ceremony of giving food to hungry ghosts, the Prostration of the Main Shrine, freeing captive creatures, conferring precepts on new believers etc.
Amitābha means "Infinite Light", so Amitābha is also called "The Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Light", is one of the three main Buddhas in the Great Mighty Sacred Hall of the Buddhist temple. Recorded in the Mahayana Buddhist sutra, in very ancient times, Amitabha was a monk named Dharmakāra and resolved to build the Pure Land to take across sentient beings universally and make the infinite solemn merit and virtue. Amitabha and the Western Pure Land are detailed in the Larger Sūtra of Immeasurable Life, the Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra, the Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra, and other sutras.
The purpose of these activities is to draw support from the willpower out of great compassion, the prestige and the magical power of Amitabha Buddha and Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva to expiate the sins of the dead relatives and foes as well as debtors, to relieve the souls of one’s ancestors from purgatory, redress past wrongs and enable one’s deceased family members to be reborn in a good place. May all the participants enjoy the freedom of no obstacles, tranquil state of body and mind, an increase in the level of wisdom and good fortune, early attainment of enlightenment! Best wishes to world peace, national prosperity, good weather, harmonious society, happy and healthy people and blissful days.
Zhengjue Monastery
5th Dec. 2017
1. If you are willing to join this gathering but cannot attend it in our monastery, you can sign up for the ceremony by contacting us and recite the mantra simultaneously at home (you have to make a promise to repeat the mantra no less than 108 times per day); that way you can also reap incredible rewards and receive empowerment in real time when the great redirection ceremony is held.
(1)发送短信至 18678131582,报名格式为:大悲咒同步共修,真实姓名+地区+手机号。
(1)Text your message to 18678131582 in the form of “Great compassion Recitation, real name+location+mobile number”.
(2)Add ZJFTjixiang as your friend via WeChat, then you will join “Zhengjue Cultivation Group on Great Compassion Mantra” and participate in the group practice.
Registration deadline:
26th Dec. 2017 2.
The routes to our monastery for reference: /fileroot/lxfs/4000.html
The special route to our monastery from counties in Zibo: /fileroot/sygg/7068.html
3. 正觉福田网随喜阿弥陀佛圣诞祝仪法会暨大悲甘露法会:
If you want to make a personal donation to the celebration of the Great Compassion Mantra via Zhengjue Donation website, please scan this QR code: